Monday, May 31, 2010

مستخدمين الواى ماكس: لماذا يتم إستهلاك حصتى الشهرية بسرعة رغم أننى لم أُحمّل بهذا القدر؟

WiMax Users: My monthly 10 GB Entitlement Runs Dry Quick … I Did Not Even Consume that Much! – To view this post in English click here.
هل تتساءل لماذا يتم إستهلاك حصّتك الشهرية (العشرة غيغابايت) من الواي ماكس وبسُرعة خلال الأيام العشرة الأولى على الرغم من تأكدك التام من أنك لم تُحمِّل بهذا القدر؟. حصل معى نفس الشئ, و لمّا دخلت على المودم إكتشفت أن معدل سرعة التحميل الكُلية من خلال المودم هى واحد ميغابايت لكل دقيقة تقريباَ على الرغم من أنى لا أقوم بتحميل أى شئ و لا حتى مجرد تصفّح, الشئ الدى جعل إجمالى التحميل اليومى قرابة 1.5 غيغا بايت في خلال 24 ساعة و بالتالى أدى إلى إستهلاك حصتى الشهرية في الأيام العشرة الأولى.
إذا كنت تعاني من نفس الشيء ، فيجب أن تعرف أن السبب هو جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك! ، أو واحد (أو كل) من أجهزة الكمبيوتر المتصلة بالشبكة المحلية فى منزلك أو مكتبك, المالوير والفيروسات وكذلك بعض البرامج المسالمة تتصل تلقائياَ بالإنترنت وتبدأ بتحميل أشياء يمينةّ ويسرة بمعدل مجنون وذلك لأن الواي ماكس هو إتصال واسع النطاق. حتى الويندوس نفسها في بعض الأحيان تقوم بتحميل تحديثات ضخمة تلقائيا فى الخلفية من دون أن تعرف.
وهذه بعض التدابير و الإجراءات الإحترازية التي يمكنك القيام بها لتحسين إدارة التحميل وتنظيم حصتك الشهرية لتستمتع بالإتصال حتى نهاية الشهر: ت
أ - قم بإيقاف المودم أو قطع الإتصال بالواي ماكس عند عدم إستخدام أى من أجهزة الكمبيوتر. إذا كان لديك دريم بوكس في شبكتك المحلية, تأكد من قطع إتصال كافة أجهزة الكمبيوترمنها
ب - قم بفحص كافة أجهزة الكمبيوتر ضد الفيروسات والبرامج الضارة أى المالوير
ج - قم بإيقاف التحديثات التلقائية للبرامج - ما عدا لمكافحة الفيروسات لديك
د - قم بتنفيذ الخطوات المذكورة في المقال السابق نشره: تحسين أداء جهاز الكمبيوترالخاص بك في 7 خطوات. معظم هذه الخطوات تساعد كثيراً في تنظيف نظام التشغيل الخاص بك
ه - يعتبر النت ليميتر برو 2 من أقوى الأدوات على الإنترنت، فهو فعال جداً في رصد ومراقبة حركة المرور بين الكمبيوتر والإنترنت ، يُمكنك تعيين معدل تنزيل أو تحميل لكل البرنامج ومعرفة البرامج التى تقوم بالتحميل و جهة إتصالها. إنه بمثابة جدار حماية ويقدم لك مجموعة من الإجراءات للعثور على البرامج التى تستهلك حصتك الشهرية و من ثمً إيقافها. اضغط هنا لمعرفة المزيد
و - قم بتمكين جدار الحماية أو الفاير وول الخاص بالويندوز ، لأنه يساعد كثيرا في منع الإتصالات غير المرغوب فيها.
لقد تمكنتُ من خفض معدل التحميل الكلي (عند الخمول) إلى 0.07 ميغا بايت في الدقيقة الواحدة وهذه نتيجة معقولة جدا.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

WiMax Users: My monthly 10 GB Entitlement Runs Dry Quick … I Did Not Even Consume that Much!

مستخدمين الواى ماكس: لماذا يتم إستهلاك حصتى الشهرية بسرعة رغم أننى لم أُحمّل بهذا القدر؟, للغة العربية أنقر هنا 

Do you wonder why your WiMax monthly 10 gigabytes entitlement is consumed quickly and oftenly within the first 10 days although you did not download that much yourself?. It happened to me, and when I logged in to my modem interface I found out that, the total download rate through the modem is approximately 1 MB per minute even though my PC is idle, which makes up ~ 1.5 gigabytes per 24 hrs! … there goes my monthly entitlement in the first 10 days.
If you are experiencing the same thing, then you should know that the cause is your computer!, or one (or all ) of the computers connected though your home of office LAN (if you have any), malwares and viruses as well as certain programs connect to the internet and start downloading stuff left and right at a crazy rate because WiMax is a broadband connection. Sometimes Windows itself feels comfortable downloading automatically massive updates .. etc, which you could be ok with if you had known in advance.
Here are several key measures that  you can do to better manage this and ensure that you do not run out of gigabytes before the end of the month:

  1. Turn off your modem or disconnect from WiMax when any of the computers are not in use, if you have Dream Box in your network then ensure that all computers are disconnected instead.

  2. Scan all computers against viruses and malware.

  3. Turn off automatic updates for applications (except for your antivirus).

  4. Execute the 7 steps mentioned in my earlier post: Improve Your PC Performance in 7 steps: S.P.E.E.D.U.P. Most of these steps helps a lot in cleaning your operating system.

  5. One of the very powerful tools I found over the internet is NetLimiter Pro 2, it is very reliable in monitoring and controlling traffic between your computer and the internet, you can set download/upload transfer rate limits for applications or even single connection and monitor their internet traffic. It acts as a firewall and it offers you a set of actions to find which vampire program is sucking the blood from your monthly entitlement and then kill it. Click here to find out more.

  6. Enable Windows firewall, it helps a lot in blocking unwanted connections.
Following the above, I have managed to reduce the total download rate (when idle) to 0.07 megabyte per minute which is very reasonable.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

حلول لمشاكل الإتصال بالواى ماكس

Solving Wimax Connectivity Issues, to view this post in English click here
أحيانا ، مشاكل الإتصال بالواي ماكس هي أبسط بكثير مما تبدو عليه, إذا كانت لديك إشارةُ قوية متواصلة أو متقطَعة على المودم (أي مودم من إل-تى-تى) و لا يمكنك الحصول على إتصال ، فمن الأرجح أن تكون قد إستهلكت تماماً حصتك الشهرىة وهى عشرة غيغا بايت ، الشىء الذى سوف يجعل إتصالك بواى ماكس متعذراً الى نهاية الثلاتين يوماً. الشهر(او الثلاثون يوماً) الخاص بك لا يبدأ بالضرورة مع الشهر التقويمي، ويبدأ في مثل اليوم من الشهر الذى تم تفعيل إشتركك فيه فى المرة الأولى. شهرى أنا على سبيل المثال يبدأ فى الحادى عشر من كل شهر تقويمى و ينتهى فى الثانى عشر من الشهر التالى. لمعرفة ما إذا كنت لم تتجاوز حصتك الشهرىة وهى عشرة غيغا بايت في الثلاتين يوماً، إتصل ب 116 ثم إختر1 أو 2 لإختيار اللغة, بعد إدخالك لرقم العقد و الرقم السرى قم بإختيار 2 ثم 2 من القوائم (معلومات الخدمة) للحصول على معلومات حول إستهلاك من حصتك الشهرىة و كذلك تاريخ إنتهاء ال 30 يوما. تحقق أيضا من رصيدك الإجمالى وذلك بإختيار 2 ثم 1 بعد إدخالك لرقم العقد و كلمة المرور . 
من المفيد جداً أن تتبع ال إل-تى-تى على التويتر (أنقر هنا لفعل ذلك) ، لأن موظفين ال إل-تى-تى يقومون هناك بنشرالأحداث المهمة والأخبار التي هي ذات أهمية كبيرة بالنسبة لك كمستخدم واي ماكس ، قد لا تكون هذه الأخباربالضرورة منشورةً على موقع ال إل-تى-تى. على سبيل المثال نشرت  إل-تى-تى في الآونة الأخيرة على التويتر أن خط الدعم الفنى الآن هو 115 و أن الخطوط الأرضية السابقة للدعم الفنى لم تعد فى الخدمة، يمكنك إستخدام هذا الرقم للتحدث مع ممثل الخدمة مباشرةً وهى فعالة جداً، إذا لم يحل هذا المقال مشكلتك أو لم يكن ذو فائدة كبيرة بالنسبة لك , فعليك الإ تصال ب 115 وسوف يقدمون لك يد المساعدة بكل سرور. الخط 116 الآن مخصص لمعرفة و إضافة الرصيد الإجمالى والتحقق من احصة الشهرية و تغيير الرقم السرى وما إلى ذلك.
لقد تم نقل الموقع القديم للواي ماكس لموقع ال إل-تى-تى تحت "شخصى" ثم "ليبيا ماكس"، ستحصل على تحديثات للفرموير والبرامج الثابتة و كذلك تستطيع التبليغ عن مشكلة وما إلى ذلك من الخدمات السابق توفرها على الموقع القديم
ملاحظة ، إذا كنت لا تستطيع الإتصال ب 116 من هاتفك النقال ، أضف 021 الى 116 لتصبح 021116 ، الشيء نفسه ينطبق على 115.

هل الفرموير على مودمك هو أخر إصدار؟ تحقق من ذلك على موقع الواى ماكس الجديد على ال إل-تى-تى
إن لم تكن متأكدا من كلمة المرورالخاصة بك على الواي ماكس، قم بإعادة تعيينها إلى كلمة المرور الإفتراضية التي هي رقم العقد ، وهذا فقط للتأكد من أنك تستخدم كلمة مرور صحيحة ، في وقت لاحق عند الاتصال بالإنترنت يمكنك تغييرها إلى كلمة مرور جديدة. إتصل ب 116 ، ثم إختر1 أو 2 للغات, بعد إدخالك لرقم العقد و الرقم السرى قم بإختيار 3 ثم 2 من القوائم
آرائكم مهمة لتحسين الخدمة لذلك رجاءً تقدموا بإقتراحاتكم ل إل-تى-تى عن طرق صفحتهم على الإنترنت فهم يبدولون أقصى الجهود لتقديم خدامات أفضل.

Solving Wimax Connectivity Issues

حلول لمشاكل الإتصال بالواى ماكس, للعرض بللغة العربية أنقر هنا
Sometimes, wimax connectivity issues are much simpler that they appear or sound. If you got a strong signal, continuous or intermittent on your modem (any modem that is supplied by LTT), and you still can not get connected, then  you might have just consumed your monthly 10 Gigabytes entitlement, which will put you on no connectivity status for the rest of the 30 days. Your month does not necessarily start with the calendar month, it starts on the day of a month on which your wimax subscription was activated first time. Mine for example starts on the 11th of each month and ends on the 10th of the next month. To check if you did not exceed the fixed amount of 10 Gigabyte per 30 days, dial 116, select 1 or 2 for languages followed by contact number and PIN number, then select 2 then 2 from the menus to get info about your Gigabyte consumption and also when the 30 days will be over. Since you are there, check also on your overall balance and make sure that you did not run out of credit.
you should follow LTT twitter, they post important events and news that are of great interest for you as a wimax user, these news may not necessarily be posted on LTT website. For example, they posted lately that their technical support line is now 115 so the old technical support land lines are no longer in effect, you can use this number to speak to a service representative and it is very reliable, if this post was not of much help to you then call them on 115 and they will gladly help you out. the 116 line now is dedicated to check on and add credit to your balance .. etc. The old website for wimax is moved to LTT website under Personal > Libya Max, you will get software/firmware updates and to report problems from there.
Note, if you could not dial 116 from your mobile, try 021116, same goes for 115.
Is the firmware on your modem up-to-date?, check that on
If you are not sure about your wimax service password (not PIN number), reset it to the default password which is your contract number, this is to ensure that your password is correct, later when you connect to the internet you can change it to a fresh password. Dial 116, select 1 or 2 for languages followed by contact number and PIN number, then select 3 then 2 to reset.
Remember that, feedback is important to improve things, so please make sure that you submit feedback (whether it is an issue or suggestion) to LTT, they are doing the best they can to ensure flawless service quality and your feedback will be welcome.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Improve Your PC Performance in 7 steps: S.P.E.E.D.U.P.

خطوات لتحسين اداء الويندوز بجهازك فى سبعة خطوات
How often do you carry out soft maintenance on your computer?, do you really need a faster processor or bigger RAM?  did you know that, most likely the hard disk and its contents are the cause of computer slowness problems rather than the speed of your processor or the size of your RAM?.
Pic from Before buying a new processor or RAM or even a new computer, there are 7 basic soft maintenance checks that you can do yourself to improve your computer performance and help you make a better financial decision, I have gathered these checks up under the acronym S.P.E.E.D.U.P. as follows so you can remember them, remember that you need adminstartive rights to run them (or most of them):

  • Scanning for viruses and malwares: Make sure that your anti-virus program is up-to-date and enabled, run a complete virus scan for all disks. Viruses and malware can damage your computer files and/or consume processor and RAM capacities and render your computer very slow.

  • Purging of disks: Disk Cleanup helps you free up space on your hard drives. Disk Cleanup searches your drive and then shows you temporary files, internet cache files, and unnecessary program files that you can safely delete. You can direct Disk Cleanup to delete some or all of those files. **Click Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools and finally Disk Clean Up.

  • Error checking: Run a complete check on all your disks, it is important that your hard disk is healthy for your computer to run as fast as it could, if your hard disk has errors or not functioning properly for any reason, then this exercise is useless!. **Right click on your disk, select Properties > Tools and finally Error Checking.

  • Editing of Windows Startup: Some programs while installing them decide for themselves to start automatically when Windows starts, and then keep running after that in the background without real use for you, they make the start up and running of Windows very slow as they occupy a considerable amount of space in your RAM. They do this by registering themselves in during the installation process mostly, perfect examples are: most of printing software, help & updating utilities, toolbars mounted on browsers and someother famous programs such as Yahoo and MSN messengers and WinZip. **Click Start > Run then type “MSCONFIG” without quotation marks, click on Start Up tab and uncheck programs that do not need to start with Windows, if you do not know a program then better not to alter it till you further check with an expert, or simply Google it to find out more.

  • Defragmentation of disks: Defragment your disks to tidy up and better arrange files on your disks so that Windows and programs can locate them and access them faster. **Right click on your disk, then Properties > Tools and finally Defragmentation.

  • Unnecessary programs: There are probably plenty of programs that you do not need however they are installed anyway, most of them are installed under the umbrella of other programs, perfect examples are toolbars that mount on browsers, gadgets and malware. On the other hand, think for exmaple why you need so many programs to play audio and video? really, get rid of what does not add value, if you don't use the you probably don't need it. **Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. 

  • Playground of Windows: You must keep at least 2Gbytes free in your C drive for Windows playground, Windows needs this space to handle files temporarily specially when your RAM is full. Steps # 2 and 6 will help a lot in achieving this step.
 **For Windows XP and likely it is the same in other versions, leave a comment if not.

I very much recommend repeating the above steps at least twice a month. It is worth mentioning that most of these checks take time, so better to run them when you are not busy or during coffee or lunch breaks or leave it running overnight. It is highly recomended to run one check at a time and not simultanioualy, and to have all other programs and files closed when any of these checks is running.
Finally, there are other advanced checks that can further improve the performance of your computer, however I highly advise to have them done for you by an expert, something like: updating the drivers for your hardware with the latest versions including the BIOS, installing the latest security patches of Microsoft for your Windows, cleaning the ventilation and tunneling system of the cooling fan… etc. I will cover those in details in a future post.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Use Nokia Sports Tracker to Avoid Getting Lost (including steps to import & export workout and route files from and to Nokia Sports Tracker)

كيفية إستخدام النوكيا سبورتس تراكر لتجنب الضياع وفقدان الطريق الصحيح (وكذلك كيفية تصدير و إستراد الملفات من و إالى النوكيا سبورتس تراكر) 

This post is dedicated to all Schlumberger people who cruise deserts going to and coming from jobs: Go do a great job and come back safe.
 Do not waste money on expensive GPS navigation devices such as TomTom as they simply will not work in north Africa, same applies for the GPS navigation system in your car or in your phone, that is because the traffic information in this region is not available, i.e. roads and places are not mapped on any system in the world – as in no body done it yet - so it can not calculate routes, it will show you where you going but it will not tell you which way you should go, and if you entered the coordinates of your destination it will show you a straight line to follow!. Traffic information is available only for North America, Most of Europe, Australia and some countries in other continents such as Brazil and South Africa. For more info please visit NAVTEQ.
When in these shoes, what you can do is to record the trip with the Nokia Sports Tracker, save it as a route and then share it so everyone else will use as a guide – I will show you how in a minute, this means the trip needs to be recorded and consequently, routes will be available on trip to trip bases, which is still cool as with sharing we could build our data base of routes, in other words we will literally create the traffic information!.
Let us get started, check on the compatibility of your Nokia and download the Nokia Sports Tracker from Nokia Sports Tracker web site. The recommended phone to use is N-95.

Part # 1 : Recording the trip:
Warning: performing the below excersize while driving creates a risk of car accident as the drivers gets distracted, I very much recommend having the below done by someone else other than the driver.
1. Once installed, start the tracker and follow the screen shots below, it is important first to know where does the Sports Tracker save jobs – I will tell you later why. Hit “settings” then “General” then it is recommended to set the “Memory in Use” to memory card if you have one, otherwise choose phone memory. Just remember which one was selected. Hit “Back” twice when done to go back to the root menu.

2. Create a new workout – nevermind the terminology here as the software is made for sporting activities however it serves our case pretty much the same - follow the steps in the screen shots below and ensure that all settings are made as illustrated. Hit “Start” when ready.

3. Once done, place the phone over the dashboard facing up in such a way it has a clear view of the sky, wait for the phone to get a good GPS signal, you can confirm that when the small yellow bar with “GPS X” on it turns green with “GPS √“, you will get a confirmation message anyway. Do not start the trip till you get that, it won’t take more than a minute. If you have issues getting GPS signal then please refer to the tips at the end of this article.
Note: Ideally, you should not hit “Start” till you get a GPS signal so that you can get an accurate time of the trip, but that is minor and really up to you.

4. Once green, your phone is locked on a good GPS signal, the Tracker will start recording the trip and you can start driving, keep the phone the way it is otherwise you may lose signal and you miss parts of the trip details. On the map you will see first a small square blue dot which is your start point, and a small circle blue dot which is your current position. When you move you will see a line growing and drawing your route.

5. You could flip through the screens of the tracker and get a bigger map, trip statistics and current position statistics, see screen shots below. However, you must avoid that during recording the trip to avoid losing the GPS signal. The map in the background may be blank white, you may see some roads but that depends on whether you have a preloaded map and the internet connectivity on your phone, pay no attention to that as it is not important and keep driving as long as your route line is growing as you move. I will show you later how to view your route on Google Earth software.
Note: Your current position is marked with the circle and it is always in the middle of the screen, the square is your start point and it is moving away as you drive.

6. Once the trip is completed and you are at destination, hit “options” and then “Stop” the trip, you will get a summary message, hit “Ok” and that will take you to the root menu.
7. Recording of the trip is now completed and all is left is to create a route out of the trip and save it to follow it back and also to share it with others
8. Go to “Training Diary”, on the calendar, hit the date of your trip and it will then show you the trips you have done in that day, check date/time/distance and hit the trip you just made to open it.

9. Hit “Options”, then “Save Route As”, then give a name to your route – for now we will use “Test Route”- and then save.
10. At this point, you can use the route directly as a guide on your way back since it was recorded with your phone - in this case go straight to “Following the Trip” below, and you can send the route file to others to save it on their phones and then use it to follow your trip – in this case they must perform steps 11 through 13.
11. The only drawback the Nokia Sports Tracker has is that it can not import workouts or routes even through the Nokia Sports Tracker community website, and hence we will have to do it manually, it is very quick and easy.
12. Connect your phone to your PC and browse your phone memory or the memory card - depending on the settings you made back in step 1, you should see a folder right at the root directory called "SportsTracker", open it and you will find couple of folders and many files with the extension ".dat", some start with "R" and then nine digits.dat - these are your route files - and some start with "W" and then nine digits.dat - these are your workout files. Sort by date and select the last modified R#########.dat (which is the route file of your last workout), copy that file to your PC and rename as desired, naming the file will not affect the original name that was given to the route through the Nokia Ports Tracker “Test Route” as that is stored within the file, other phones will read this name anyway. Make sure you keep the same file extension.
13. Now you can share this file with others, they will basically do the same and connect their phone with their PC’s and place a copy of the route file you sent in the same directory "SportsTracker", once that is done, then we are all ready to use the trip you have recorded. Note that when other people open your file with the Nokia Sports Tracker, they will see the name of the route as “Test Route”

Part # 2: Following the trip:
1. Start the Nokia Sports Tracker, hit “New Workout”, before you hit “Ok” at this screen, hit “Route” and you will get list of all routes saved in your phone, select the route file you have just made “Test Route”. Hit “Ok” and when you get a GPS signal hit “Start”

2. Once you hit "Start", you will see the route "Test Route" aleady plotted on the map and your current position - the circle dot - is at either ends of it, you can now drive and follow the route to the other end, and this is how you won't get lost!.

3- For better map view, you could flip up to get the bigger map.

1. The GPS device on Nokia N-95 is very powerful and it can produce coordinates with +/- 5 meters error at the worst case. So you are getting a realiable measurements and guidance.
2. I have recorded trips up to 500 Kms long, I am very sure that longer trips can be recorded, I just never tried that.
3. To get a GPS signal quick before you start your trip: remain stationary and place the phone facing up with a clear view of the sky. Nokia Sports Tracker can show you the GPS status as it is still connecting so that you can have an idea of what is going on. You can do this by flipping to the bigger map view, hit "Options" then "Map" then "Show GPS Fix", you will see at the top left the Satellites status 0/0 when you first start. 0/0 means number of satellites used by the phone/number of Satellites dedictedby the phone. You will get a GPS signal one the number is 4/9 or more.
4. To see the route you created or shared with you by someone else: Open the Nokia Sports Tracker, then open either the workout or the route, hit "Options" and then "Export" then "Export to Google Earth" and hit "Select", you will be given some export options one of which is to "create and send the file" so that you can bluetooth to your PC once export is made, you will then be prompted to where you want to save the file and how to send it... etc, I am sure that you can manage the rest.
5. To become more familiar with the Nokia Sports Tracker softwhere, you can read the user guide.

Monday, February 8, 2010

You got a Nokia? Get The "Nokia Sports Tracker"

If your phone is Nokia "except N97" and if it has a built in or attached GPS, then you shouldn’t really miss this cool software called "Nokia Sports Tracker".

 It is a GPS based software, after it gets a good GPS signal, it tracks your bath / route (whether walking, driving or even flying) and records it, you can see your bath on the map (satellite, hybrid, or just a map) on the phone in real-time, it also gives your altitude, coordinates, speed and the distance you moved, all of these parameters are recorded as well.

Now this is not the coolest part yet:
1. After finishing your trip, you can export the file to your PC and view the route you have taken in Google Earth software, this can be very helpful in many cases like when you want to remember and get further familiar with a route that you have taken for the first time.
2. You can register online @ Nokia Sports Tracker website, and by enabling the option, your phone connects to your account and continuously sends the current coordinates of your position + all parameters as they are being recorded, this produces a real-time display of your route watchable on the internet as you walk or drive, you could track your kids going and coming back from school, and check if your wife is not overspeeding with your car!. For that you will need an internet connection on the phone, and the phone is in an open area all the time for better GPS signal.

If you are boarding a plane that does not have real-time flight details display (route, distance, altitude, speed.. etc), then there you go, you got your own. Make sure that you place your phone close to the window as you won't get GPS signal anywhere else in the plane. Be patient to get a singal because your are moving at a speed of ~ 800 km/hr. Since you won't be able to access the internet from your phone, so you will not be able to connect to your online account and hence your trip can not be tracked on the internet, if you do not have maps pre-downloaded to your phone then you will also lose the advantage of updating the map in case of you are using satellite imagry . Not a big deal after all huh?.

Go here and get it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Tripoli Third Ring Road Project

مشروع الطريق الدائرى الثالث بطرابلس
Ever wondered what is going on at the roundabout at Ghout El Sha33al on the main highway in Tripoli (or the second ring road, or El Saree3)?, and why that roundabout and since 2007 was split in half and became just a double road?

That is the western starting point of the project of the 3rd ring road, it’s a arterial multilane (6 lanes) roadway arching around Tripoli, from this round about it goes along the latitude line N32º50' towards the east, then just at the south of Souq El Jom3a it takes a shape turn towards the coast along the longitude line E13º16'. The project is about 24 km in length, it includes: three road carriageway, emergency carriageway both sides, eleven Interchanging points, a new bridge and nine over bridges, and respective roads and services road on both sides of the main road. The path of this road is highlighted in blue on the map below.

This project has been designed to relief the city from the ever increasing traffic pressure mainly by:
1. Allowing vehicles specially the heavy ones to bypass the city which reduces the traffic within.
2. Connecting east of the city to its west and supporting the overloaded 2nd ring road by picking up a major part of traffic from it.
3. Crossing and interconnecting the major roads all around Tripoli, which helps in moving across quite swiftly and avoiding congesting the small and tight roads.
4. Enhancing the traffic flow by having signal free highway which eliminates jamming.

The project is being handled by LBCD - Libyan Brazilian Construction and Development Company-, it is a joint venture composed by Odebrecht (Brazilian Conglomerate with renders Engineering and Construction Services) and UDHC (Urban Development Holding Company).

The info about this project is scattered in bits and pieces all over the internet, the LBCD did not seem to have had time to do the proper publication and promotion for this capital and key project among other projects taking place in Tripoli today. So I piled up maximum info in this page, this and this are links for additional information about this project.